Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is it normal for your hand to be numb after ganglion cyst surgery?

i have surgery on wed for a ganglion cyst. the top of my ahnd and thumb and index finger are numb is this normal after surgery? will it go away? any answers will help thanks

Is it normal for your hand to be numb after ganglion cyst surgery?
My hand didn't feel/get numb after this surgery. . . .
Reply:I think you should ask that doctor
Reply:I was numb and at first I thought the sugery didn't work. I had a second surgery for scar tissue removal after the cyst was removed. Took about a year to feel normal again.

Reply:Call the office of the doctor who did the surgery. Call right away. It might be normal or it might be serious, but you need to find out for sure.
Reply:yes, mine was for atleast a week after surgery.
Reply:ooo I don't know, I'd worry any time something goes numb cause it's not getting enough blood to that area.
Reply:I think you should ask the doctor, but I think it is probably OK because you might have some nerve irritation from the surgery and will go away.
Reply:You must call the surgeon's office and ask if it's normal. There's nobody on here capable of taking your very prized hand in their "hands" to answer that question. Here's some sites about your surgery, but call your specialist immediately.

Great advice on this very complete site:

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