Saturday, April 24, 2010

I would like input from someone who suffers from a polinidal cyst.?

I have a polinidal cyst and have had it lanced 1 time and have had numerous flare ups. Outside of antibiotics and warm sits baths, can anyone tell me something else that stop the flare ups or at least releave them.

I would like input from someone who suffers from a polinidal cyst.?
I had a polinidal cyst and draining it did not help. The only relief was getting it removed. I recommend you see a surgeon and go over the possibilities of having it removed. Believe me you will be happy afterwards.
Reply:I am an operating room nurse and also an ex wound management consultant so I used to see heaps of these.

Usually they are surgically debrided (under anaesthetic the whole area is opened up, washed out and either left to slowly heal itself closed or sewn up) Is this what you mean by lancing?

To have is simply lanced (opened up at the doc surgery) without really good scraping out and washing out will not generally be enough to stop it recurring.

They do have a reasonable recurrence rate.

The gold standard in wound management is to use silver impregnated packing dressings to the area after it has been lanced. Silver does not allow bugs and bacteria to grow and thus helps to clean out the area while it heals. It is the bacteria and bugs in the area that causes the flare ups.

If I had one I would want a large opening up, clean out and scrape and then silver dressings on the area. I would also want to use antibiotics while it was healing

Check out this site: it is loads of info.
Reply:If lancing once or twice doesn't cure it, then you may be a candidate to have it removed surgically. It must be able to drain completely or it will return. I would think moist heat is the most comforting thing, but heat may also make it swell. You need to talk to your doctor about it. I know how painful (and also embarrassing) they can be. I hope you have relief soon.

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