Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is there anything I can do at home to heal a nodular cyst?

I just didn't know if I could promote the healing of a nodular cyst without going to see a doctor. I get one every so often on my face, and they take forever, it seems, to go away, and I usually end up irritating them before they heal, making them stay longer. ...Thank you all for your time and help.

Is there anything I can do at home to heal a nodular cyst?
If you have the problem of nodular cysts occuring again and again, you should do two things.

take treatment of Isiotretinoin.

Treat the acne before it becomes a cyst.

Treatment Regimen For Severe Acne

In severe form of acne, you may have nodules and cysts that are all inflamed. Treating this acne takes more time and patience. Your doctor will treat you with combination therapy to control and cure the acne while trying to take care that minimum scars form. The treatment regimen for severe acne may include physical as well as oral and topical treatments. The options may include- isotretinoin, oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives for female patients, injecting corticosteroid in the lesions and surgical procedure. Let us find out more about these.


Isotretinoin is one of the most potent treatments for severe form of acne which has not responded well to other therapies. Isotretinoin is a retinoid which is a form of vitamin A. Isotretinoin helps treat all the four reasons of acne formation:

a. Excess oil,

b. Clogged pores,

c. Inflammation, and

d. The bacteria p.acnes.

The normal course of isotretinoin is one or two pills a day for up to twenty weeks. Your dermatologist will decide the dose. Don't take Isotretinoin without medical supervision.

Side Effects Of Isotretinoin:

For women, it is very important to be in constant contact with their doctor because isotretinoin can cause damage to development of fetus. It cannot be given during pregnancy and before the treatment begins, all possibilities of pregnancy have to be eliminated. Talk to your doctor in detail about this and follow his/her instructions very strictly. The other side-effects of isotretinoin may include joint pains, headaches, nausea, depression and others. You must not miss your appointment with your doctor while taking isotretinoin.

Oral Antibiotics:

Broad spectrum antibiotics can reduce the bacteria p.acnes substantially. With reduction in the population of this bacterium, inflammation reduces. The antibiotic may include drugs such as - tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, etc.

Oral Contraceptives For Female Patients:

Overactive sebaceous glands produce more sebum and are one of the main causes of acne. Some oral contraceptives can reduce the production of excessive sebum. These drugs should be taken only under medical supervision. Sometimes, you may have to consult the gynaecologist, for which your doctor will advise you.

Injecting Corticosteroid In The Lesion:

In this treatment, a mild steroid is injected in the cyst. The steroid reduces the acne substantially within a few days. This treatment also prevents scarring as it reduces the possibility of bursting of a cyst and dries it totally.

Surgical Procedure:

Your doctor may find it necessary to cut open the acne and drain it. This procedure needs skill and patients should not try this themselves.


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