Saturday, April 24, 2010

About 6 months ago,i had what was referred to as a cyst removed from my finger,now it is swelling and is infec

the cyst i had removed 6 months ago,now it has become badly infected,i am a guitarist and if anyone has any suggestions,would be welcomed thank you:)

About 6 months ago,i had what was referred to as a cyst removed from my finger,now it is swelling and is infec
cysts are tricky little buggers

the truth is, if they didnt get every last drop of the fluid it will spread and cause more.

i've suffered from cysts my whole life but thankfully they are small.

i have one on my wrist that comes and goes...if i massage it for about fifteen minutes a day it gets smaller

i have one on my jaw that, wow is actually so small i can barely feel it now, but usually gets inflamed when i'm sick...

and the trickiest ones are on my ear lobes. I used to get them and try to squeeze until they popped but that just emflamed my earlobe and cause almost 7 more. but i started using a q-tip and rubbing alchohol everyday where the cysts where...the ones that were close to the skin went away and i'm really not sure what happened but the deeper ones went away too....

but if its infected badly you need to go to the doctor and at least get antibiotics
Reply:you might want to go back to the doctor and make sure the cyst hasn't returned. I had one removed on my neck and the doctor said if they didn't get it all, it could return.


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